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Getting followers & likes on Instagram is one of the main agendas on this platform. If you are here for the sake of marketing your business but not getting enough likes, followers, & comments, etc., things become pretty complicated for you. 

When you look around, you observe that all of your competitors have more than a million followers, but you don’t. You may wonder how all of them have managed to get them. Well, no more worries because you are here at the right place. Here are a few practical ways listed for you to get Instagram followers from InstaBoost Australia. When you choose to follow a few or all of them, you can beat your competitors easily

#1 Switch to a business account 

There are more than a few revive of switching to the business account. You can easily view valuable insights, add a contact button, get greater exposure by boosting your posts, and much more with a business account. 

#2 Mention followers in your Instagram posts 

The primary agenda on Instagram is about getting engagement. You can encourage engagement by mentioning your followers in your posts. There are more than a few steps to doing this. First, you can thank your followers for commenting, sharing or liking your posts every time you post on Instagram. It makes your followers feel essential & they become loyal to you as well. 

#3 Use Instagram stories 

Have you yet used Instagram stories? It would help if you went for it now, without wasting more time. It is a perfect way to share the untouched side of your brand or company with your followers. The people who love to watch behind-the-scenes photos or work in progress pictures & stories are a perfect venue to share them. 

#4 Hosting an Instagram competition 

Hosting an Instagram competition is a perfect way of getting lots of followers & likes. It gets you the desired engagement & the people get to know about you this way. More than a few pieces of research show that there is nothing that can beat hosting contests in this scenario. 

#5 Post a variety of stuff 

Variety is a key & people love to see the posts that don’t look the same. When you share different kinds of content on your Instagram, the people will be there to admire you, without any doubt. Here on Instagram, you can post short videos, photos & carousels. When you have this many options, you must not enclose yourself to just one. 

#6 Go for a Branded Hashtag 

Do you know that Instagram allows its users to follow hashtags as well? So, in this scenario, it is not wise if you are not taking advantage of this. You are supposed to develop your hashtag, or branded hashtag like other companies, For instance, #Adidas. 

 #7 Follow influencers 

What is the use of following big brands & influencers on Instagram? With this strategy, you get to know the top trends on Instagram, so you can quickly & effortlessly follow them too to get admiration from your followers, engagement, new followers, etc. 

#8 Include an Instagram button on your site

You can quickly draw maximum website visitors to follow you on Instagram. The easiest way of doing this is to have an Instagram button on your site and other social media icons. This will let your visitors know about your presence on Instagram & they can easily follow you with a simple click. 

#9 Offer discount offers to followers 

This is the easiest way to get people’s attention & to make them follow you. You are supposed to share the most unique & exclusive discount offers, valid for your followers only. The people love discount offers, no matter what. As soon as you post something like this on your account, the people will know about this. As soon as they know about it, they will follow your account at the exact moment. 

#10 Go live 

When you choose to go live via your Instagram account, you decide to get noticed. Moreover, going live will also widen your reach. The most fantastic thing about this is that Instagram itself promote the live sessions. So all of your existing followers will get a notification about it. Besides this, there is also a dedicated video discover tab, where all live videos are promoted. 

#11 Share your Instagram posts on other platforms 

The people, brands or businesses these days are present on almost every social media platform. In this scenario, if you want to obtain Instagram followers, you should get your followers on other social media platforms to know about your presence on Instagram. You can do it easily by sharing Instagram posts on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Linked In, etc. 

These days also use the buy real Instagram Followers Australia strategy to get the desired number of Instagram followers instantly. In this regard, you have to pay a few dollars to get an impressive number of followers on your account.

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