If You Haven’t Had Covid Yet, Here’s How To Prepare: Food, Pharmaceuticals, And Fun

If you’ve managed to steer clear of COVID thus far, chances are you could be copping the cough sometime soon. And whether you’re living alone, or locking down with the fam, it could be a good idea to ensure you’re feeling prepared for the potential week of isolation on the horizon.
Here are some tips on how to avoid being caught off-guard when iso comes knocking.
Stock up on some substantial food and fresh produce.
When we’re sick, we tend to push our appetites aside and reach for snacks instead of meals. While this may suffice for the first few days, with seven days locked inside you’ll want something more substantial when you’re feeling up to it. Before you find yourself depleting your bank account on UberEats every day, you may want to stock up on some non-perishables to have on standby, like your favourite canned soups and veggies. Loading your freezer with some ready-to-eat meals is another handy trick to keep up your sleeve and cut down on that dreaded prep time.
Caught by surprise and find yourself staring at an empty pantry? Remember that you can always order groceries and household goods, right to your door. Forget Coles and Woolies, they take a few days, get around the new grocery apps like SEND who guarantee delivery within 10 minutes flat - you’ll never go starving.
Sickness supplies.
No matter the COVID strain you’re facing, chances are you’ll be feeling pretty under the weather for the first few days. Use your abundance of time to rest up, and treat it like you would any other virus, with painkillers and lots of fluids. Some supplies to have on hand should include masks, sanitiser and RAT tests. As well as lots of electrolytes and healthy snacks to replenish your energy.
If you’re in Sydney or Melbourne CBD and surrounds, SEND is delivering carefully curated COVID-Care packages straight to customers’ doors. These packs include RAT tests, Panadol, juice, tea, noodles, vapour rub, and basically everything you might possibly need to manage that pesky virus.
Boredom busters.
While you’re still positive, why not treat yourself to a few new books or games to keep you busy during iso. Time to reunite with the hobbies you neglected after the last lockdown, whether it's maintaining the garden, or learning the guitar, use that ‘spare’ week to find a way to keep busy instead of just bingeing Netflix (not that I’m judging). If you’re lucky enough to be isolating with a backyard or balcony, be sure to pencil in some dedicated Vitamin D time every day to keep you in high spirits.
Phone a friend.
Having a friend or family member at the ready in the outside world is a good way to also ensure you’ll never be stuck without supplies. Maybe one of your friends is exiting iso as you are entering, and can be your go-to contact in case of emergencies (or boredom), to deliver snacks and activities to your doorstep - minus the delivery fee! Otherwise, checking in with loved ones via a lengthy phone call is a lovely way to pass the time regardless.
Stay safe and stay sane with this helpful guide for combating the Covid blues.