The Men's Magazine

Men Magazine


Daniel and Greg Baker

My son Daniel is a competitive swimmer with a dream to one day swim in the Paralympics. He currently swims at a national competition level and has two Queensland titles in his multi-class division.

As background, he is 36 years old and once was a professional chef. Then 12 years ago, a virus attacked his cerebellum and left him physically disabled, basically needing to learn to walk and talk again from scratch. He walks with the assistance of a walker and the first few years were difficult as he adjusted to my new life. Then he discovered swimming, and everything changed.

Because of his disability, he has trouble with coordination and cannot safely handle knives. He lives independently from the family and used to have his support worker do food prep for him, but if there wasn’t enough food, he would just have to eat toast!

We were looking around for ways he could easily prepare his own meals or get them delivered and still maintain a high level of protein and nutrition in his diet. This is when we discovered Lite n’ Easy.

Lite n’ Easy gives him a much easier, healthier option and he can be more independent, which is important to him.

It is great that is it subsidised by his NDIS package, so for about $20-$30 per week he has dinner sorted!

It is such a relief for us as parents to know that he is looked after, even if we become unwell or are unable to care for him anymore, he will always have access to good food with Lite n’ Easy and the NDIS.

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