The Men's Magazine

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Men Magazine


AmazingCo experiences are specially designed for families and make for the perfect lockdown activity.  All at home experiences are fully digital, meaning they are affordable, accessible and COVID safe, allowing everyone to make the most out of lockdown!




Family Date Night (At Home)

If a night curled up at home is what’s on your family’s mind, AmazingCo’s Family Date Night provides the perfect stay at home experience and promise hours of fun!

Throughout the course of the evening, you and your loved ones will need to band together to solve a number of riddles and clues, the answers to which detail a specific challenge to go head-to-head in! The digital experience is a competition, so we recommend you tally the winner of each activity and challenge throughout the evening. The overall winner will then take their rightful place as ultimate Family Date Night winner (a highly coveted and prestigious award in this part of the land).





Virtual Challenge Party


Love a challenge? Take on your family in a series of games and challenges with the Virtual Challenge Party.


You’ll have a short time to complete each challenge, and the aim of the game is to be the best and collect the most team points! Better yet, you can run the party all under one roof or go virtual and get multiple households involved in the fun. If you want to take it to the next level, you can even opt for a virtually hosted event!


At Home Pub Crawl

Stuck between a pub and a lockdown? Experience the best of both worlds with AmazingCo’s At Home Pub Crawl.

Throughout the night, you and your friends (who you’ll dial in to through video call) will be taken on a virtual pub crawl through your homes, where you’ll race against the clock to play drinking games, dress up, and solve clues and riddles at different themed ‘bars’ in your homes!


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