The Men's Magazine

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Men Magazine


  • Written by Nina Gajic

Skincare is not just for women! While men may not obsess over their skincare routine as much as women, maintaining healthy skin is important - and the key is consistency. Here, Skin Virtue founder Nina Gajic lists eight tips to keep you looking great!  


  1. KEEP IT SIMPLE: Many men don’t like using a lot of products. If that’s you, make sure you stick to two essential products - a good quality cleanser and moisturiser day and night. Always! 


  1. SUNSCREEN: Sunscreen isn’t just for beach or cricket days. You should use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF30 or higher before you leave the house - even if it’s raining. Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays prevents premature ageing. 


  1. DRINK WATER. LOTS!  Drinking lots of water (not beer!) helps maintain the hydration of your skin. Hydration starts from within, and the key is drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day. Every day! Maintaining optimal hydration is essential for our body’s overall health. Drinking enough water water will benefit your whole body, including your skin cells. If you are not drinking enough water, it will show on your face! 


  1. UNDERSTAND YOUR SKIN: While there are no specific skin care products for men (skin is skin no matter what your gender is) you do need to learn what type of skin you have - normal, dry or oily. Then make sure your purchase products suitable for your skin type to get the best results. 


  1. STRESS RELIEF: Believe it or not, the process of cleansing, massaging and moisturising your skin is quite relaxing and will make you feel good about yourself. 


  1. SKIN TONE: Have you noticed you have a few dark spots, and your skin tone is uneven? Choose a product with Vitamin C, as it’s a great ingredient which will help fade those annoying spots and will even out your complexion. 


  1. ACNE: Acne isn’t just for teenagers - those pesky pimples can appear any time!  
    But the good news is a consistent skincare routine will keep acne, breakouts and dryness at bay. 


  1. LOOKS: Trust me, looking after your skin will make you feel good as you will look good! 

Nina Gajic is the founder of Skin Virtue, an Australian range of skincare products designed for people with sensitive skin, but suitable for all skin types. Find out more at 


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